Marathon Runners Are Annoying

Yes…yes we are annoying, and I’m not sorry about it.  And yes, it is true that if one runs in the modern age and doesn’t Instagram, Snapchat, Facebook, or Tweet about it, it’s like it never happened.  But unless you’ve trained for and run a marathon you’ll never appreciate just how difficult it can be to stay motivated.  I need my online peeps!!!!!!

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So there. I said it.  I need you.  I need your cheers of encouragement, your ‘You Go Girl’ posts, and your ‘You Rock!’affirmations.  I’m not fishing for compliments, but when I’m in the thick of a 30km run, thinking about all of your encouragement is very literally what keeps me going when I so badly want to stop at the next coffee shop, order a big gooey fat cinnamon bun and a coffee and just say fuck it all.

Knowing that there are people rooting for me online is what’s kept me going in the last half of my training because at times I’ve badly wanted to quit.

Anyhow – that’s why I found the below video so funny! I hope you like it too and I promise…I’ll stop being so annoying soon.  But not until after May 1. 🙂

Days until the marathon: 16

2 thoughts on “Marathon Runners Are Annoying

  1. lostandfoundinphiladelphia says:

    haha! I saw this video the other day and thought of you! Glad you found it:). It’s an interesting comment about how we share so much.

    I think we all need motivation and encouragement. My thoughts are as long as you’re coming about it honestly, you’re good to go!


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